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There is science; and then there is life.

The other day I watched a documentary called “Particle Fever.” It was recommended to me by a friend, Dr. Tyler Evans at Arete Chiropractic. The whole back story of the documentary is huge for the world of science, and involves a super team of physicists trying to prove the theory of the Higgs Boson atom. One of the main physicists in the doc, explains that, proving its existence “could mean nothing… or everything.” Fascinating.

While I’m not big into the world of physics, it was super interesting. You get from the very beginning of the film that this science is groundbreaking, and could lead to bigger and better things for the universe. It also got me thinking a little differently about strength and conditioning science, too. Particularly, when new studies are coming down the pipeline, how much application can we really get when sometimes people just need to... I don't know... get to the gym in the first place, stop binge drinking on every weekend, or eat something green once in a while.

I mean, think about that for a second.

When new articles come out about health (which happens every day), do they have application to your own personal barriers? While I’m certainly not bashing the exercise research field or anything like that, we have to continually look at application in our own lives when new information is available. There is a phrase:

“Life happens.”

So, I think it’s far more important to strategize around your own life, than new research articles that claim:

Photo Credit: Antonio Barroro

Photo Credit: Antonio Barroro

Wheat is bad.

Kale is the devil.

Kettlebells will hurt your back.

Only squat with your feet straight.

Bacon elevates testosterone. 

None of these are actually true, but then again, there may be some study out there to refute me. I’m not saying we should ignore new knowledge at all, rather use it in the context of your own health. How can you actually put the information to good use? It’s easy to jump the gun in application these days and end up doing some juice "cleanse."

While the research field has told us over the years a lot of different, conflicting things, we have to keep our own life struggles and barriers at the forefront of our approach. As I said above, new science is cool, but life happens to us every day. Long term adherence is impossible if you can’t shrug some dirt off your shoulder and continue to make good choices.

In a perfect world, we want to be able to strength train at full intensity all the time. And get our conditioning in. And our mobility work. But, sometimes you have to cut a workout short, or buy packaged food in the airport. Not ideal, but yeah, that’s how life goes.

The world of new research and science does not always include the variability of life. It is controlled, statistically analyzed, and then interpreted in six different ways by you and I. While I’m a huge nerd (I repeat: I actually watched a physics documentary), I’m also practical. We have to be. Life will inevitably try to mess up your day and force you to get chipotle for dinner, even though you had something else planned. Or you just, you know, plan to get chipotle for dinner.

Just keep in mind that while new science is fun to have conversations about, it may or may NOT fit into your plan. So don’t stress over whether or not you are doing the latest and greatest protocols. They will eventually be watered down, misused, and misunderstood.

With that said, don’t completely dismiss all new information, either.

Case in point: This article on Intermittent Fasting by Dr. John Berardi and the folks over at Precision Nutrition. Now, when I saw this come out, I was surprised. Precision Nutrition has always been pretty straight and narrow, emphasizing consistency and balanced meals. They’ve also been big proponents of eating breakfast in the past. But, I was impressed of the objective approach he took, properly laying out the pros and cons of IF.

While I didn’t change anything for myself personally when I originally read the article, something stuck with me about using it as way to mediate hunger signals, scheduling demands, and energy flow. As I transitioned to my new job in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, I was starting to get up earlier than ever. Three to four times a week, I’m up before 4:30 in the morning. Now that seems super early, but in perspective it’s about 1 hour earlier than I was accustomed to, and not as early as some of my new team members. 

Once I was in that position, I was reminded of Dr. Berardi’s piece on IF. He talks about a lot of things; traditional approaches, lifestyle patterns like whether breakfast actually works for you, and meal frequency.

Quote from PN’s Dr. Berardi, which is basically an ebook:

“I became intrigued with the idea that you could skip meals – and sometimes entire days of eating – without suffering lethargy, brain fog, and muscle loss. Even more intriguing was the idea that you could accelerate body fat loss and get healthier with strategic, well-timed fasts.
These claims run counter to today's popular nutritional recommendations, which assert that small, frequent eating – grazing, if you will – is the best way to control appetite, blood sugar, and body weight. As someone who's averaged 4 to 7 meals per day for nearly 20 years, I was skeptical at first.”

I was curious, too.

Situationally, for those early days, it made a bit of sense for me. I normally have 2-4 AWESOME sessions starting at 5am. From there, I choose to eat when I’m ready. I’m flexible. Some days it’s 8am. Some days it 10am. I don’t have a “breakfast time.” The rest of the day, I eat pretty normally, and make sure I get some post workout nutrition in after I train in the afternoon. Dinner happens after my night sessions and there, I pay attention to what my body is saying. Do I want a big meal or a small one? Pretty simple.

Photo Credit: Curtis Mac Newton

Photo Credit: Curtis Mac Newton

I think down the road, I’ll do a more comprehensive post on IF, but here I’m talking about it to illustrate the point of taking information and applying it to your own circumstance. My own schedule demands dictated a change with my eating pattern. Given my current fitness goals and routine, I didn’t see an immediate need for a meal in the morning, so long as my energy level stayed up. I’m not in full endurance training mode (shorter runs, little to no mountain biking, 3x/week strength training), and am pretty much trying to maintain my weight.

Also,  in the wee early hours of the morning, I value 30 minutes more sleep. It’s easier for me to grab some water, coffee, and be ready to get to the gym and start crushing training sessions with folks. It was an experiment I was willing to try, and so far, I like it. 

Do I think that this approach is the end all, be all, cure to ailments and illnesses worldwide?

No. Not even close. It’s just another strategy in the toolbox. But, for my situation, it’s working right now.

And that’s where we need to focus. On our own barriers. With each new study or breaking piece of content, it is another opportunity to add value and education to yourself; but it is another chance to create chaotic confusion about your approach.

Focus on your own goal and how you can personally optimize execution.



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Magic Pill Marketing and the real "Secret"

Within the past few years, there has been an obvious increase in marketing via various social media outlets. Anytime I go on Facebook, there are a bunch of advertisements for fitness related stuff, because that’s what I have listed as my career on my profile. 

A few of them are legit. Most of them are not.

As an actual, real life coach, this bothers me slightly- that you can play on someone's emotional sensitivity and sell them a garbage product with false promises of results. But, hey, that's the free market. I understand that this is the reality of today. Businesses and people are fighting for your attention and your sales, and you know where most people spend their time today?

Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat and Twitter, so on and so forth. So, that’s where the advertising dollars are going.

How many times have you seen an ad for a fitness program with a guy who has his shirt off, doing some dangerous exercise, that will give you the Hulk's workout plan.... and 10 free nutrition “hacks?”

You, are now saying to yourself, “Wow, should I look like that?” "Do I need to eat chicken, broccoli, and rice for the rest of my life?" 

I'm not sure if this actually helps anyone or it's just confusing people. For the record, the answer is no- unless your goal is to be 6 percent body fat and have no social life outside of the gym. These type of programs aren't all bad, but I hate the mindset. 

That you can do it without the work. That you can skip a few steps. 

Nope. These companies are just taking advantage of you. 

To understand why I feel like a slushie gave me brainfreeze by some of the stuff I see, I’m going to tell you why coaching is such a fun profession. As many people learn fitness and nutrition from me, I also learn from them. I am particularly fascinated with people and the knowledge that they have. What makes them successful in business? How do they balance work and family life? Why have they pursued better health- now of all times?

The fitness industry is unique in that we have the opportunity to meet new people every day and learn from what they have done, where they have been, and why they got to where they are. I think that’s pretty cool. It takes time, but once people open up you can learn a ton of lessons AND help them reach their goals.

It’s the relationship you build with someone. The trust. The mutual accountability. It's pretty rad.

Where I work, there’s a member who will go unnamed, but this dude absolutely crushes it. If you saw the phrase “happy go lucky” in the dictionary, his picture should be next to it. One day as we’re setting up a circuit for one of my classes, he comes up and says:

“Do you need help with anything?”

In response, I said, “Sure, just set out a few med balls over there for me, thanks!”

Many people do this, but his response to this was really profound, and still something we joke about all the time.

He said, “I’m trying this new thing, where I’m part of the solution, not the problem.”

I nearly stopped what I was doing in the middle of class.

Isn’t that inspiring?

Ever since he said that, I’ve been trying to have the same mindset.

What I think is particularly applicable in this crazy online marketplace of a world, is the amount of services that are available to people these days. There are always people that are selling newer and “better” strategies, products, or ideas. Social media pushes it in our faces constantly. But to me, that must be so frustrating if you are new to the fitness world. This guy says this. That guy says the opposite. Do this. Don’t ever do that.

How are people supposed to navigate the online space and figure out the best way to proceed?

Part of the issue that this creates- is that people don’t know where to start. There’s so much sales funneling and magic pill marketing going on that people get lost in the fray. It must be scary. It must be intimidating. 

Have you ever seen an ad that says, “Try this technique out for the next 2 years, master it, and then enjoy the fruits of your labor.”

Probably not.

It’s probably more like, “Buy this 30 day X, Y, Z, and lose 30 pounds, cleanse your colon, get shredded, build a multi million dollar business in 2 weeks, blah blah blah.”

Sounds freaking great, but what gets left out of the equation is the years of dedication, hard work, and sacrifice that it takes to reach your big goals. 

Listen, there are lots of solutions. But do they really address YOUR personal roadblocks?

I truly want to help you. So, you must understand this "secret" first.

The number one most important factor, with anything you want to achieve:


You still have to show up to have a chance to succeed.

You have to step in the batter’s box.

You have to put in the work.

It’s on you.

That is something that no magic pill or cookie cutter exercise program can teach you. You may have the information, but without a drive; a purpose; a reason to get yourself to actually do it, you may as well just burn your $39.95. While I understand the reality of technology, I think my big take home point is that you have to address your own roadblocks and figure out how to conquer them. Through commitment and perseverence. Anything else will seem inauthentic. 

“Listen, if you’re impatient, and you settle for fast food or a quicker method, your experience will be different; and you will probably ruin your appetite in the process.” -Eric Thomas

Stay hungry, keep working, 


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